Journalists Organization

I am a journalist, writer & humanitarian

Executive President Of South Asian Climate Change Journalist’s Forum (SACCJF)

South Asian Climate Change Journalist Forum (SACCJF) has been formed in the world climate conference held in Sharm Al Sheikh, Egypt. Environment and climate journalists from South Asian countries initiated this organization for creating awareness and preparation of climate changing impact on South Asian inhabitants.

Member of National Press Club, Bangladesh

The National Press club was founded in 1954 as the East Pakistan Press Club. It was formed to be run by an elected committee guided by its rules and regulations. The Government of East Pakistan rented out a building at 18 Topkhana Road.

Member of Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU)

Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) founded in 1995, is the only professional body of all working reporters based in Bangladesh capital Dhaka, representing all newspaper, electronic media and news organizations.

Senior Member of Broadcast Journalist Center (BJC)

America Bangladesh Press Club -ABPC is an organization of Bangladeshi journalists living in New York and other cities. This Bangladeshi Press Club was founded in 2008 in New York. The principal aim of the Press Club is to build a strong network among Bangladeshi Media Professionals (journalists, editors, reporters, publishers, etc) who are working in the USA. ABPC has life, general, and associate members. America-Bangladesh Press Club depends on member subscriptions and donations for its finding.

Associate Member of America Bangladesh Press Club-ABPC

America Bangladesh Press Club -ABPC is an organization of Bangladeshi journalists living in New York and other cities. This Bangladeshi Press Club was founded in 2008 in New York. The principal aim of the Press Club is to build a strong network among Bangladeshi Media Professionals (journalists, editors, reporters, publishers, etc) who are working in the USA. ABPC has life, general, and associate members. America-Bangladesh Press Club depends on member subscriptions and donations for its finding.

Former President of Rangpur Division Journalist Association- RDJA

Rangpur Division Journalist Association (RDJA), a organization of professional journalists from eight districts of Rangpur division, working in the capital Dhaka. On August 13, 2009

Bangladesh Coordinator of Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation

Bring Hope Foundation, an international human rights organization based in Sweden. carrying out relief and humanitarian assistance activities in 125 countries around the world. This includes immigrants. More than 1.5 million people are affected by war, disaster and displaced. This international organization will soon start their support activities in Bangladesh.